Angie was due to be induced this morning at 7:00 am but started having contractions yesterday. At about midnight they were 4 minutes apart so they went in to the hospital and baby was delivered about 3 hours later.
Jack Gregory Carlson was was born Friday, June 27, 2008 at 3:30 a.m. He weighs 7 lbs 4.5 ounces and is 21 inches long. He has gorgeous blue eyes and is strong and healthy....oh, and NO webbed toes!
Greg was able to give Jack his first bath in the nursery. He didn't like being cold and cried a little.
he looks like Greg so much!! awww i can't wait to see him in...6 days!!! He is sooo cute <3<3<3
Congats on the beautiful grandbaby!
Hi Tami, he is so beautiful!!!He has such pretty coloring. He looks so big and so boyish.What a happy time this is for you and your family. Angie looks so good! Wow it's not like it used to be. right? It took us weeks to get our color back!
Congratulations to the proud grandparents and the sweet family! Watch out world here comes Jack!
With much love,
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