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Thursday, August 28, 2008


My co-worker Kathy will be 60-years-old on Saturday. She's an RDA in our office and has worked for Dr. Kiholm for years. We celebrated her birthday all day today. I brought her flowers this morning and Peggy brought her miniature roses.

Shandra, our other dental assistant made an Italian Cream Cake for the party.

We "manipulated" the schedule with fake patients and surprised Kathy by taking her to Lil' Jonnie D Carlo's for a longer than usual lunch. The food was incredible. We laughed a lot and took a lot of pictures. (It's a pretty dark restaurant so the photos aren't the greatest). We gave her a Macy's gift card and a gift certificate to The Sequoia Restaurant.

Here's the whole gang (minus me, the photographer).

Lil' Jonnie himself came out and sang happy birthday in Italian to Kathy. He had the most amazing voice. Kathy turned about 10 shades of red before he was finished!

The whole paper bag thing was inspired by the birthday card Dr. Kiholm gave Kathy. We asked her to close her eyes while we put them on. I'm sure everyone in the restaurant thought we were insane! It was SO much fun.

Here's Kathy fanning the smoke after she blew out the candles on one of the yummiest cakes I've ever tasted! Great job Shandra!

Here we all are, leaving the restaurant. We sure got some weird looks from passersby! I don't think Kathy will forget this unusual birthday celebration anytime soon!
Happy 60th Birthday Kathy!!!!

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