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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Photo of me with Jack. He's growing so fast. I didn't recognize him when I came - he's changed so much. He weighs 13 or 14 lbs. now. He is such a sweet, smiley baby.

He loves to be held. Grandma had no problem accommodating him.

We were able to find cute dresses for the girls to wear to Alyssa's wedding reception. Abbey loved modeling her new "twirly dress".

The girls put their Halloween costumes on for the Ward Halloween Party. Kelsey was a Fairy and Abbey was Snow White. They love dressing up. They would wear dresses every day if they could. It was weird to see Abbey with her hair sprayed black.

Jack was - what else? A JACK-O-LANTERN!

The girls decorated cookies at the party.

Kelsey had a great time putting candy on her cookie. Funny thing is, she doesn't really like candy, so she picked them all off when she ate the cookie.

One of the cute entries for the pumpkin carving contest. I really liked this one.

The girls had fun at the fishing pond.

Abbey and Kelsey and their buddies. They all live on the same street.

Abbey and her favorite friend David. He lives about 5 or 6 houses down the street. When they see each other outside they run to each other with their arms spread wide. They usually hug each other. Today, David doesn't look very thrilled to be hugged ;)

What a sweet little Jack-o-lantern!

Trunk or treating outside the church. The girls made a haul. What a fun time! Look at all those vans! Must be Utah ;)

1 comment:

MissDurand said...

Cute Halloween costumes!!!