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Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Good Book

Just finished another good book today. Don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to get enough when it comes to the Mennonite/Amish culture. This book's cover claimed that it was 'laugh out loud funny'. That it was. It was hilarious! I found I couldn't read this one in bed while Kurt was sleeping because I kept waking him up with my laughter.
Janzen shares her memoir in a funny and entertaining way. She pretty much got the bad end of the stick when her abusive husband leaves her for a man, throwing her into financial ruin, and to make things worse, she is seriously injured in a car accident. Talk about a bad week! She returns home to her Mennonite family to heal both her physical and emotional wounds. Her friends and family were hysterical (especially her mom) and her experiences back home help her realize how to move on. I highly recommend this book.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Loved this book! It had been recommended over and over, so glad I finally picked it up.